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Resep Masakan Online 2.1
Yohamu Studio
Resep Masakan Online, bermacam-macam resepmasakan indonesia praktis sehari hari hingga mancanegara kamisajikan untuk anda. Aplikasi ini cocok untuk anda yang sedangmencari referensi membuat masakan sehari-hari di rumah atau untukmenambah menu masak di rumah makan anda. :)Saat ini para pecinta kuliner/juru masak begitu dimanjakandengan aplikasi/website yang mengusung sekian puluh hingga ratusanresep kuliner (Resep Masakan & Minuman). Cukup dengan satu (1)Aplikasi anda bisa mendapatkan referensi cara membuat masakan atauminuman yang tak ada habis-habisnya. Dengan aplikasi ini kamimeng-update setiap beberapa hari sekali resep masakan & minuman"anda seperti mendapatkan berita setiap harinya".Berikut List Kategori Resep Masakan Online :- Ayam- Cumi- Daging- Ikan- Jamur- Kue Basah- Kue Kering- Mie / Kwetiau- Minuman (Dingin / Panas)- Puding- Sambal / Saus- dllSemoga resep yang ada di Aplikasi Resep Masakan Online bisabermanfaat dan berguna untuk anda.Note: Membutuhkan koneksi internet untuk mengakses aplikasi ini,karena direktori aplikasi ini bersifat online, keunggulannya andaakan mendapatkan update resep masakan atau minuman setiapharinya.Recipes Online, anassortment of recipes in everyday practical Indonesia to foreigncountries we present to you. This application is suitable for youwho are looking for references to make everyday cooking at home orto add menu cook your meals at home. :)Currently the lovers of culinary / cook so spoiled withapplications / websites that carry a few tens to hundreds ofculinary recipes (Recipes & Beverage). Enough with one (1)application you can get a reference how to make food or drink thatis not inexhaustible. With this application we update every fewdays and beverage recipes "you like to get the news every day".The following list Category Recipes Online:- Chicken- Squid- Meat- Fish- Mushrooms- Cake- Pastry- Noodles / Kwetiau- Drinks (Cold / Heat)- Pudding- Sauce / Sauce- Etc.Hopefully recipe in Recipes Online Applications can bebeneficial and useful to you.Note: Requires an internet connection to access thisapplication, because the application directory is online, theadvantages you will get updates recipe or drink each day.
Renungan Harian Islam 1.1.1
Yohamu Studio
Pelita Hidup Renungan Harian (Islam) -Berfikirlah dan merenunglah walaupun itu sejenak!"Selain makhluk yang ghaib, ALLAH SWT juga menciptakan makhluk yangterlihat seperti manusia dan binatang. Tata cara hidup manusiatentu tidak sama dengan tata cara hidup binatang.Oleh karena itu sangat aneh rasanya kalau seekor binatangberperilaku seperti manusia atau seorang manusia berperilakuseperti binatang. Mungkinkah kita termasuk manusia yang aneh itu?Renungkanlah!"Jangan BERKAWAN dengan LAWAN dan jangan BERLAWAN dengan KAWAN!Setuju?Semoga bermanfaat!.Daily Devotional lamplife (Islam) - Berfikirlah and merenunglah although thatmoment!"In addition to being unseen, GOD Almighty also created creaturesthat look like humans and animals. Procedures for human life arenot necessarily the same as the way of life of animals.Therefore it is very strange to an animal that behaves like a humanbeing or a human being behave like animals. Could we include thestrange man? Ponder! "Do not be friends with VERSUS and do the opposite with KAWAN!Agree?May be useful!.
Guess Animals Quiz 2.0
Yohamu Studio
Animals Quiz is apps for your happy or funyourchildren - test of intelligence and knowledge of animals, andguessanimal is in quiz are all regulated by levelsBeginner,Intermediate, Master. depending on your speed at aguess.
Kuis Tebak Binatang - Hewan 2.0
Yohamu Studio
Kuis Tebak Gambar Binatang atau Hewanadalahsebuah aplikasi edukasi tentang pengetahuan binatang atauhewan,permainan tebak gambar ini terinspirasi dari jenis-jenisbinatang& hewan yang ada diluar sana.Kedua objek tersebut memiliki arti yang berbeda walaupunhampirmemiliki kesamaan. Dimana anak - anak harus mengetahui jenis-jenis dan nama binatang atau hewan yang ada diluar sana.Secara garis besarnya perbedaan antara hewan dan binatangadalah:Hewan : Fauna yang sudah di budidayakan dan mudah dipelihara.Contoh : Unggas dan Ikan (dibudidayakan) atau hewanpeliharanadalah hewan yang banyak dipelihara oleh manusia contohnyakucing,kelinci, dan anjing.Binatang : Fauna yang belum di budidayakan atau masihliardikehidupannya. Contoh : Harimau, Macan, dan Orang Utan.NOTE: Game ini memiliki tingkatan (Levels), untukmencapaitinggkatan teratas, kamu harus menyelesaikan "Stage"denganmenjawab per-gambar dengan benar dan kumpulkan point-nyauntukmembuka "Levels" selanjutnya. Semakin tinggi levels semakinserubinatang atau hewan apa saja yang kamu harus tebak.Picture Quiz GuessAnimalsor Animal is an educational application of the knowledge oftheanimal or animals, this picture guessing game inspired fromthetypes of animals and animals that exist out there.Both of these objects have different meanings although mosthavein common. Where the child - the child must know the type -thetype and name of the animal or animals that exist out there.In broad outline the differences between the animals andtheanimals are:Animals: Fauna already cultivated and easy to maintain.Example:Poultry and Fish (cultivated) or peliharan animal is ananimal thatmany kept by humans for example, cats, rabbits, anddogs.Beast: Fauna that have not been cultivated orwilddikehidupannya. Example: Tiger, Tiger, and Orang Utan.NOTE: This game has levels (Levels), to reach the toptinggkatan,you must complete the "Stage" with a per-picture answercorrectlyand earn points her to open the "Levels" next. The higherthe levelsthe more exciting animals or any animals that you haveto guess.
One Word Search 2.0.0
Yohamu Studio
is an addicting twist of the classicwordsearch game. One Word Search its game simple, a word appearsonlyonce in the grid / board box. You should to find as many wordsasyou can in three minute. Made for fun who love building thingsandplaying games.You may be familiar with "word search" games, but thisisdifferent from the existing version of this game that is sosimpleand interesting for you to play, without the hassle oflooking fora word that many in the grid but only one word in thegrid (ONEWORD).Be the best and fastest!The game is simple:- There are three levels: EASY, MEDIUM and HARD.- In each grid/box, there's only one word.- You have three minute to find as many words as you can.* If you need Board Language change? Please change yourlanguagesmartphone / tablet for change board language. This gameautodetect language, no option :).Compete with your friends on the Leaderboards or Achievement,tosee who can find the most words! You can even challenge them toseewho can unlock Achievements the fastest!
Guess The Place: Let’s Travel! 3.1.0
Yohamu Studio
Guess the places in the whole world. Canyourecognize all the places (cities, countries, cultures,andlandmarks) in the pictures? Guess which place is it... more100+levels and answers any quiz place names in the game.Who knows this place?So much fun when we know somewhere into our dreams, learn to knowiswhat is so interesting and fun! Let us know we visit placesofinterest around the world. aesthetic beauty that we can notforget,sights that we must know the name and its history!How many places have you travelled?This is a great quiz game that let you test your knowledgeaboutcountries, cities and cultures. And it is full of famousbuildings,beautiful scenery, traditional performance, etc. Itcontainshundreds of images from all over the world, like NamsanTower,Maldives Country, Eiffel Tower, Colosseum, Pyramid, BaliIsland,The Grand Canyon, Santorini, etc.. Travel the world withthesefamous historic and cultural sites.This game gives us an insight into where you will be directedtothe knowledge of every place you guessed.Best Game Guess The Place :* Get help from your close friends!- Ask your friends on Facebook / Twitter* Solved- Remove the wrong letters...- Show one letter...- Show the solution...- and... Very helpful and educate with Wikipedia to find outmoredetails about that place.Play now and have fun with this game!*All photos in this app are licensed under Creative Commons(CCBY 2.0, CC BY-SA 2.0)The license and the corresponding author of the photos are shownonthe image